Yes, a consumer unit can be replaced without needing a rewire, in some cases, read on to find out more. As your local electrician in Bristol, we are here to help and explain what is what.
The main control centre for our home electrical system is referred to by many names:
• Consumer Unit
• Fuse Box
• Fuse Board
• Electrical Panel
• Trip Switch Box
There may be more unofficial titles but generally speaking we are all interested in the box that contains the fuses, trips, wires and gubbins for your Bristol home's electrical system.
What does this box do?
This box is responsible for dividing up the mains electrical supply into usable electrical circuits for distribution around our homes. It protects each circuit by ensuring that too much electrical current does not flow down the cables. It monitors the electricity flow and checks for any missing current, potential electrical shocks and much more.
The old-style fuse box or fuse wire type box has limited technology and therefore offers limited protection to us, our homes, and the electrical system components.
Why can’t you just install a new box?
The older boxes were ok at protecting against electrical overload but that was about it. They missed faults like earth leakage, electric shocks, electrical arcing, water ingress into circuits, poor quality cable insulation, electrical surges and so on.
The newer consumer unit is an all singing- all dancing version that DOES protect against all the above and more.
The issue we as electricians is that the old box will miss lots of electrical faults, the new box will detect 90% of the electrical faults that could be hidden by the old box and when the new one goes on the wall it might not turn on.
This will make many customers think our products and work are faulty when, in reality, the issues were always there but lay undetected by old fuse box tech.
What is the solution?
In nearly every electrical system there will be a couple of minor issues that need attention, the older the system the more likely this is as age, DIY projects, wear and tear have all happened to the system.
In order to detect these issues BEFORE installing the new consumer unit, we carry out a periodic electrical inspection and produce an Electrical Installation Condition Report.
The electrical inspection should turn up 99% of hidden electrical issues before the new unit is installed. If there are any serious defects or cabling that needs replacement, we will be able to tell you at that point.
This lets you make a decision, to keep the old box or have a new one installed with some additional work involved or, if necessary, rewire your home!
How often does a home need rewiring?
If a well installed electrical system is left untouched, maintained by an electrician, and only experiences light use then it is very likely the age of the electrical system could exceed 50 years with modern wiring.
In reality, there are issues that crop up, different amounts of wear and tear happen and so on.
If you are at all concerned about the condition of your home electrics or are considering a new consumer unit then get in touch with us and book an electrical inspection.
What if I need a rewire?
We will communicate with you throughout the process to let you know what is going on. We will explain in plain English the results of any inspection and let you know the options that you have for updating your electrical installation.
In some cases, you may find that a rewire is not affordable, is not for you right now and instead you will manage with your existing fuse box albeit without the safety features of newer ones.
If we find any electrical dangers during an inspection, we will alert you to these and discuss your options with you so please do not worry.
As your local electrician in Bristol, Allied Electrical Services offer many electrical services, should you require them. Whatever your electrical needs, get in touch today.